National, September 9 , 2024

NutriFarms: An Innovative Partnership to Address Nutritional Challenges

Yara India’s  latest Sustainability Report highlights the innovative NutriFarms project in partnership with HarvestPlus. This initiative is a key feature of Yara’s commitment to advancing agricultural sustainability and improving nutritional outcomes.

Globally, malnutrition remains a significant challenge. According to the World Bank, as of 2022, about 768 million people are undernourished, with sub-Saharan Africa and Asia being the most affected regions. Stunting (low height for age) affects 148 million children under five, and 45 million children are wasted (low weight for height). Additionally, over 340 million children suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, often referred to as "hidden hunger."

HarvestPlus Solutions’ collaboration with Yara India through the NutriFarms program is testament of building partnerships in addressing nutritional challenges. Through this partnership, we aim to improve the nutritional quality of crops by enriching them with essential micronutrients. This program with support from partners like Greenday and MANAGE, targets rural communities by focusing on staple crops like maize, wheat, and rice. The pilot project is working with over 400 farmers in five districts across Uttar Pradesh, India, with a focus on zinc wheat cultivation. The aim is to revolutionize food systems by supporting smallholder farmers and prioritizing access to biofortified crops, and essential micronutrients particularly for vulnerable communities to enhance food quality, boost incomes and strengthen resilience.

The report highlights several key achievements of the NutriFarms program such as enhanced nutrition through biofortified staple crops, adoption of advanced agronomical practices, increased yields and resilience to environmental stresses thus helping farmers achieve food security and improved livelihoods. Furthermore, the NutriFarms project has empowered farmers with training and resources such as seed, adopt biofortified crops, and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices.

HarvestPlus Solutions is proud to partner with Yara India on a transformative journey towards nutritional security, focusing on sustainable solutions to shape a nature-positive food future. "Our partnership is a significant step towards addressing nutritional challenges in India," said Ravinder Grover, Global Business Manager at HarvestPlus Solutions. "By combining our expertise in biofortification with Yara's innovative agricultural solutions, we are poised to make a substantial impact on making the food systems more nutritious and healthy," he added.

Yara India is committed to transforming agriculture from ground up, focusing not just on yields but on the nutritional value of the food we grow. “Our partnership with HarvestPlus Solutions embodies this commitment. Together, we are tackling the critical challenge of malnutrition by enriching staple crops with essential micronutrients. This isn't just about increasing productivity; it's about cultivating a future where every harvest contributes to healthier lives and stronger communities,” said Sanjiv Kanwar, Managing Director, Yara South Asia.

Together, HarvestPlus Solutions and Yara India are committed to fostering sustainable agricultural practices that not only increase yields but also enrich the nutritional value of crops. This partnership will focus on deploying cutting-edge technologies and best practices to ensure that farmers can produce more nutritious food while minimizing environmental impact. By working together, we aim to make a significant impact on global nutrition and sustainability, ensuring a brighter future for all. This joint effort underscores our shared vision of a world where everyone has access to nutritious food, and agricultural practices contribute positively to the environment.