YaraTera DELTASPRAY 14-5-29

Image of YaraTera DELTASPRAY 14-5-29
YaraTera Deltaspray 14-5-29 is a fully water soluble NPK fertiliser ideal during rapid fruit growth stage.

Due to its perfect physical properties YaraTera Deltaspray fertilizers can be used in all types of fertigation systems and in various crops in soil as well as for foliar application.

YaraTera Deltaspray is manufactured in The Netherlands and produced from top quality raw materials. Therefore YaraTera Deltaspray is fast dissolving and fully water-soluble. It is free from sodium and chloride.

YaraTera Deltaspray is generally compatible and can be mixed with commonly used pesticides, fungicides and other fertilizers.

This allow easy integration into crop protection programmes and removing the need for specific operations saving time and money.